super_man_23's Batman Eternal #16 - The Monster Machine review

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    Corrigan and Batwing getting all mystical up in Arkham! Oh, and Red Robin's in this issue too if you were wondering.

    Jim Corrigan and Batwing go further into Arkham Asylum to shut things down, once and for all!

    The Good

    Team Corrigan and Batwing FTW!
    Team Corrigan and Batwing FTW!

    So the writers of Batman: Eternal do an impressive job with this issue. Focusing, mainly, on Corrigan and Batwing's mission to stop Deacon Blackfire from coming back from the dead, and wrecking havoc among the living, it has become quite interesting. I liked what the writers did in this issue primarily focusing on thatstory instead of the others, because it gives readers [like you and me] time to catch our breaths, after being held under the water of new story elements.

    The relationship between Corrigan and Batwing is nothing to be impressed with, the former is a dead guy that acts as judge, jury, and executioner, while the latter is a member of Batman Inc. However, even though the two have very little in common, the writers still find subtle ways that make the team up a bit more, "Believable.", or natural, so that the two can mix a bit easier while the writers tell the story. (i.e. Subtle gestures would be, Corrigan explaining the supernatural to Batwing, and Batwing trying to make it out as something else. You know, tiny things like this, that allow their personalities to come outfrom behind their characters.) So I'm thankful that the writers did something else right, for this issue!

    The Bad

    Lt. Bard and Red Robin's story was the problem.
    Lt. Bard and Red Robin's story was the problem.

    One of the [minor] problems with this issue was Lt. Bard and Red Robin's stories. This issue could've primarily focused on Corrigan and Batwing's mystic adventure into Arkham. The writing was strong enough this time, that Corrigan and Batwing's story could've carried this entire issue on its own, without the assistance of other stories. (Like Bard and Red Robin's.) It would totally be justified if there respected stories, made a large step forward, however it was just baby steps. Red Robin's intentions for being in Tokyo aren't clearly understood, all we know is he's trying to find a cure for the Nanotech virus, but we don't know why he's gotta be in Tokyo to do that. And Lt. Bard's story was only a status update of him catching more of Falcone's men. Big whoop! We already saw this update in the last issue, no need to show us another one! I really believe that the writers time that was spent into these two [minor] stories, could've been better used for Corrigan and Batwing's story.

    The Verdict

    4 out of 5. Until the next issue!

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