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'X-Men: Apocalypse' to End 'X-Men: First Class' Trilogy

Writer and producer Simon Kinberg gives a few more details about the next X-Men movie!

While answering fan questions over at Yahoo!, X-Men movies writer/producer Simon Kinberg stated that Bryan Singer's next X-Men movie, X-Men: Apocalypse, will be the conclusion of the trilogy which started back with 2011's X-Men: First Class. Kinberg said the "thrust of Apocalypse" is "to complete the stories of young Raven, young Hank, younger Charles and Erik." Kinberg added that the movie will also add new characters that we've yet to see on the big screen. Any guesses on who those characters could be, readers?

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"Why didn't they use Quicksilver to solve their problems in X-Men: Days of Future Past?" It's a question many fans have asked. Well, according to Kinberg, the purpose of the Mystique mission was to save her spiritually, not physically. Because of that, Kinberg says that's something Quicksilver couldn't have done since he's a stranger to the shape-shifter. Technically, he could have stopped her and then brought her to the team so they could talk with her, but that would make for a way less exciting movie, wouldn't it?

X-Men: Apocalypse is directed by Bryan Singer and it's slated to open May 27, 2016.

Source: CBR, Yahoo!