Comic Vine News


X-Infernus Is Coming

X-Infernus Art & Artist Are Revealed In This Week’s MyCup o’ CB!

This week, fan favorite writer C.B Cebulski takes over the reigns of MyCup o’ Joe for the very first MyCup o’ CB at and reveals X-citing news! Who’s the artist on the fiery X-Infernus? C.B. has the answers! Want a first look at their rendition of the X-Men? C.B’s got that too PLUS news on Loners, Chesterquest and more! As always, Marvel EiC Joe Quesada has answers to your fan questions and an exclusive preview of X-Men: Worlds Apart!

Make sure to click over to for all the X-News straight from C.B Cebulski and answers to your questions from Joe Q! Don’t forget to leave your questions for Joe—he’ll be back next weeks with answers to loads of your queries!