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SIN CITY 2 "Sooner Better than Later"

Rodriguez ready to do it in a pinch...

Confirming what I’ve suspected about the current state of SIN CITY 2, director Robert Rodriguez recently told MTV that he and Frank Miller are pleased with the current script (even if Jessica Alba hasn’t read it), but the issue right now is scheduling.  


"It's only about timing… It could happen very soon. It could happen a little later. It could happen even later. But probably sooner is better… [it’s never too late to do SIN CITY 2] but I just don't want to wait that long. I know Frank doesn't want to wait that long."

    Jessica Alba, for instance, was probably on set for a week, tops...
    Jessica Alba, for instance, was probably on set for a week, tops...

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I figured that was the case since the first SIN CITY was made in a rather unorthodox way for a movie with that many Hollywood stars. It was as faithful as you can get to the comic, because there wasn’t actually a shooting script. That is, though they started off with an adapted screenplay, the crew literally just started using Xeroxed copies of the comics as the shooting script and shot list as it went along. Also, Rodriguez’s proclivity to fast shoots was accelerated even further by the HD video shooting (the camera never went off) and green screen sets. Jessica Alba, for instance, was probably on set for a week, tops, which is why they were able to get so many stars in one movie for a reasonable price - - they really didn’t use much of their time.  

 So all that adds up to my assessment that as soon as Rodriguez and Miller finally decide to do it, the movie’s going to happen mighty fast. Well, the shooting, at least. I’m pretty sure post-production, with all the effects and color correction, is going to take plenty of time.

Just an aside, but Rodriguez talked about this while promoting PREDATORS as SXSW. Anybody else seen the trailer and agree with me that it looks positively seven kinds of badass?

-- Tom Pinchuk is the writer of UNIMAGINABLE for Arcana Comics and HYBRID BASTARDS! for Archaia Comics.   Watch out for the HYBRID BASTARDS! hardcover collection this March - - available for pre-order now on