Comic Vine News


'Runaways' Comic Theme Song?!

Marvel is really, REALLY excited about the release of their 'Runaways' #11 today

Marvel is really excited about the release of their 'Runaways' #11 which comes out today. So excited in fact that they gave them a theme song? I'll admit, my first reaction was 'you've got to be kidding me.' My final reaction was, 'this has to be some kind of joke.' Maybe you guys will like it, I personally...well...I'm not a huge fan of "The Runaways" series, or this song, but you have to hand it to Marvel for being creative and trying some new marketing techniques. Check out the song below, courtesy of MTV , with vocals by Marvel editor Nick Lowe. What do you guys think of it? Do you read the series?



 You can download an mp3 of the song HERE !