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Punisher War Zone Villain

Jigsaw, the villain in the upcoming Punisher film shows his face.

Punisher War Zone Opens December 5th

It's hard to say how this movie will be.  I think it might be better than I originally thought.  The trailer doesn't look bad.  It looks like it will be grittier than the first.  You have to have the violence and mayhem in order for a Punisher movie to really work.

The villain?  I'm not too crazy about the idea of Jigsaw (images courtesy of Superhero Times).  Then again, who else could really be Frank's nemesis in a movie?  Having the Punisher go up against nameless thugs or mob dudes can only go so far.  You need someone with an agenda.  Kingpin would be too big a villain (no pun intended) at this point.  You wouldn't be able to have a definitive ending.  The Punisher shouldn't be able to take him down in one movie. 

At least Punisher War Zone should make a nice holiday film.