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Off THEIR Minds: Why Are So Many Villains Doctors?

We put the question to several comic book writers to find out the truth.

Just over a year ago, I brought up the question of why so many villains happen to be doctors. Some of them are actually doctors of some sort. Others...not so much. What is it about being a doctor that makes a person evil and why do villains believe being thought of as a doctor will make them more terrifying? Doctors aren't bad people. Medical doctors save lives and research scientists can do the same with their discoveries.

We could try to come up with reasons but why not ask actual comic book writers this question? That's exactly what we did. Here are their responses.

Did we get the answers we were looking for? Maybe. Maybe not. It's always fun watching the creators think on their feet (or chairs for those sitting).

What are your thoughts on the subject? Does adding "Doctor" in front of a name make the villain sound more menacing?