Comic Vine News


Lil' G-Man Amazing Spider-Man #573

Amazing Spider-Man #573
Amazing Spider-Man #573

After a little technical problems, here's the video!

Okay here's a little story.  Lil' G-Man made us a video this morning.  I had some family things to do and tried uploading the review on youtube on my way out the door.  I checked later on my iPhone and the video wasn't showing up.  Finally when I get home, I try uploading it again.  Then I notice a little thing that youtube videos can't be more than 10 minutes (never mind the fact that a couple of the Lil' G-Man's review have crept past 10 minutes).  I'm not really sure how he talked for over ten minutes on just a single comic but he did. 

Finally I found another site that wasn't so...stingy on the length of videos you can upload.  So this week's review is being brought to your courtesy of Veoh.  Seems they have quite a few programs uploaded on their site.  Sorry for the delay.