Comic Vine News


Edward Norton Refutes Riddler Rumors

Did any of you seriously believe this?

    This was taken probably right after somebody asked him this question again.
 This was taken probably right after somebody asked him this question again.

It’s kind of ridiculous that Ed Norton has to publically refute those rumors about him playing the Riddler. The whole thing started basically because he was asked about departing from the HULK and he said that he’d love to be involved in a Nolan BATMAN movie because those are the best superhero movies out there, right now. One of the reporters asked if he’d like to be the Riddler and he said he’d maybe be interested.   That was it. He hasn’t been the offered the role and he hasn’t had any meetings about it.

Here’s what he said to the Toronto Sun (and thanks to ckal for the heads' up!)

“I hear about [rumors about what roles] I'm going to be doing all the time from people and I wish my life was half as interesting as the things I hear."

So there you go. I really doubt Eminem’s going to bother to refute his Riddler rap rumors, either.  

The last official statement is that Nolan and his crew are still writing BATMAN 3 and they’re still figuring out what they’re going to do. Maybe the Riddler’s going to be the villain, maybe not. Maybe Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Leo DiCaprio or Tom Hardy will be bad guys in it, maybe not. There’s really no telling, right now.

I’d honestly prefer the Riddler not to be in it simply because we’ve seen him so many times before. I think it’d be more fun if they dug a little deeper into the rogue’s gallery and featured some bad guys who are as just memorable and just as creepy. I’m talking about characters like Black Mask, the Ventriloquist and even some post-Soviet update of the KGBeast. The Riddler’s had his shot - - give them a turn. But until we start seeing any official announcements, keep in mind that everything’s going to be speculation.

Tom Pinchuk’s the writer of  HYBRID BASTARDS!  & UNIMAGINABLE . Order them on Amazon here & here .