Comic Vine News


Comic Book Question of the Week: Who's Your Favorite X-Men Character?

So many heroes are on the roster, but which one do you like the most? Come cast your vote and support your favorite mutant!

When the X-Men made their debut back in 1963, Professor X's team consisted of only 5 characters: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Beast, and Angel. Fast forward 51 years and the iconic team has expanded just a wee bit. Dozens upon dozens of characters have technically been part of the roster, and, seeing as the new X-Men: Days of Future Past trailer dropped this week, we want to know who your favorite X-Men character really is. Will it be one of the classics? Will Wolverine's popularity slice apart the competition? Or will it be a close race between quite a few of them? We want to hear from you, so get in the poll and cast your vote!

CLICK HERE TO HAVE NIGHTCRAWLER TELEPORT YOU TO THE POLL! (We won't judge you if you say BAMF! out loud as you click it)

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We've added 20 X-Men to the list. Look, we know there's a whole lot of characters and it's possible your favorite might not be on there. So, instead of posting a generic "WHERE'S ___?" kind of comment, just go ahead and vote "other." After doing so, tell us who you have in mind and why you think they're more awesome than the 20 we've provided on the poll. Got it? Cool. As for the poll, voting will remain open until Thursday morning (ET).

Thursday's updated article will not only have the poll results and explain why the winner deserves the praise, but it'll also include exceptional posts made for the winning character and, if possible, impressive posts for the runners ups, too! So, don't simply teleport away after casting your vote. Leap into the comments and explain why a certain mutant is receiving your support. After all, there's a chance it'll convince others to vote for the person and potentially get featured in Thursday's article.

Be sure to check the homepage on Thursday to see which X-Men character wins and if your post will be highlighted!