Comic Vine News


Bendis And Hitch Upcoming Project?

Or are these guys just playing with our emotions?

Or are these guys just playing with our emotions?

Siege #2
Siege #2
I think one of the coolest things about twitter is the fact that you can spy on your favorite comic book creators without them knowing it. Alright, so maybe that is a little bit creepy, but if it means that you have a better chance of getting the inner thoughts of Brian Michael Bendis, hey, that's cool, right? Recently, writer Brian Michael Bendis ( SIEGE) and comic artist Bryan Hitch ( Captain America) went back and forth on twitter discussing an upcoming project. Now, while I do not necessarily think this qualifies as news, I did think the prospect of the two comic book creators pairing up would be pretty awesome. Then again, it is very possible that these guys are just pulling our leg, right? Bleeding Cool organized the conversation for us, so I don't have to.

HITCH: don’t worry, it wasn’t your stuff that was killing me! It’s all those nasty little things you put off catching up
BENDIS: i knew that. my script is awesome :)
HITCH: The most fun I’ve had ‘directing’ characters and dialogue since Ultimates, actually.
HITCH: that phone call in the second scene has come through powerfully
BENDIS: awesome!! i have given more thought to how to write for you than would even believe! so excited to see it.
HITCH: Likewise, I’ve had to think harder about how to run at your scripts; keep essential Bendis but blend some Hitchy to it..
HITCH: Hopefully you (and everyone else) will like it. That or they’ll think I’m butchering you.
HITCH:Should see the first two scenes fully pencilled next week.
HITCH: maybe more if things go well. Just settling to it nicely.
BENDIS: it will be the best issue of power pack ever!! :)
HITCH: …for grown ups. The sex scenes and graphic violence you wrote may have to be toned down. This isn’t a Millar Comic.

HITCH: okay, so you know I’m doing something with Bendis. here’s a clue: the first page uses the words “I’m Coming…” no Joke.

HITCH: the preceding balloon says” …It’s very difficult for me to come…”

HITCH: next page: “I’ve waited years for you to come”. Bendis, dood. Is this really the Rom/Millie team up people want?

Hitch, who has previously worked with Millar on the Fantastic Four, and is the current artist on Captain America, has been working with Marvel comics for years, so it is almost surprising that he and Bendis have yet to collaborate on a project. What better time than the present? What project do you think these two gentlemen could possibly be referring to? What would you like to see this creative team work on? You can follow Brian Bendis and Bryan Hitch on twitter, as well as Comicvine!