Comic Vine News



Now we'll finally know how it all began.

After Death of the Family, we've all been wondering what happens next. What could Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have coming up? When looking at this coming year, Snyder did tell us the following:

Our big story in 2013 will be the most daring and ambitious one we've done. Hands down.

What could that mean? It appears it means they're going back to Bruce's roots. In a story with the Associated Press, it was revealed that BATMAN: ZERO YEAR would begin in issue #21.

It’s not ‘let’s redo the origin.' It’s time for a new story showing how Batman became who he is in the New 52.

Due to the nature of the New 52 in bringing new origins to many in the comics, a question has remained what has and hasn't happened with Batman? Snyder's plan is to show us how Batman found his calling and what challenges he first encountered. The story will be an 11-issue story beginning with June's issue #21 with art by Greg Capullo.

We tried to preserve as much of Batman’s history as we could and keep what we could of this history intact. It’s ‘The Zero Year,’ the one that no one has told the story of before. We see how Bruce became the Batman, built the cave, faced off with his first super villain.

It's pretty amazing in all these years, this story has never been fully told. Snyder also notes they do not plan to 'take apart' Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli's YEAR ONE.

It’s time for a new story showing how Batman became who he is in the New 52.

I say, it's about time. Many of us have been wondering how it all began in this New 52 Universe. And as Snyder put it, we never really saw how he actually became Batman in terms of building the Batcave and all. This should satisfy those that want these details plus deliver a new story to those that don't get hung up on the little details. It also sounds as if this will be pulling the comic away from the other Bat-titles. We'll have to find out more.

Source: Associated Press